It’s been just over a week since I’ve switched my leather tote, to that of a raffia handbag. It’s beautiful and I was thrilled to bring it out again after it’s seasons of hiding. Raffia, rattan and jute bags are a no-brainer for springtime! The natural fibers are easy and lightweight. Whether adorning for a simple outing or a travel excursion, adding this spring-time classic to your band of accessories is a brilliant idea! We’ve pulled together a fair grouping of highs and lows – check ‘em out below!
Mango, Leather Handmade Maxi Basket Bag – $100
Anthropologie, Lyra Rattan Crossbody Bag – $78
Kooreloo, Riviera Maxima Raffia Tote Bag – $550
You don’t have to break the bank to have a stylish bag for every day of the week!